Affiliate Link

Settings > Affiliate Link

A Default affiliate link is a URL that you want affiliates to share and promote your products or services. All default affiliate links in the program will be generated following this format.

Cookies Duration is the time period a cookie lasts from a click (typically between 1-30 days) that our app uses to track affiliate orders. Counting will start from the moment a customer first clicks an affiliate's link. As long as that customer uses the same device and browser, and no other affiliate link or coupon is used when the order is placed, the cookie won't be overwritten and will give the respective affiliate a commission!

You must first set up the rules that our system can use to generate links following this format for your future affiliates. When an affiliate signs up for your program, his default affiliate link will be auto-shortened.

This rule does NOT apply to existing affiliates.

When enabled, Allow affiliates to create custom links will make affiliates able to create custom links, or product links on their own in the Affiliate Dashboard.

Last updated