Special product commission
Special product commission allows you to set different commission rates for specific products or collections, or give commission for these products only.
To set up a Special product commission, you must go to Program > Edit and click the Add product button under Special product commission section.
Here are some examples of combinations of Special product commission and Default commission within the same order:
If your default commission type is Percent of sale:
Product A ($30) gives a 20% commission and the default commission is 10%, so when a customer places an order of product A and product B ($100), the commission to be given will be: $30x20% + $100x10% = $16.
If your default commission type is Fixed amount per order:
Product A ($30) gives a 20% commission and the default commission is $15 per order, so when a customer places an order of product A and product B, the commission to be given will be: $30x20% + $15 = $21.
You can also sync, edit or delete the Special product commission by clicking these three Actions buttons.
In case you select Specific collections, please click the Sync button to re-sync the collection when new products are added to it on Shopify.
Last updated