Add/Approve/Deny a conversion

By default, when an affiliate order is recorded, the respective commission status will be pending and needs to be reviewed manually (unless you enabled Auto-approve Order).

1. Approve

To manually approve a commission, you must click this Approve button. The commission status will then become Approved.

2. Deny

To manually deny a commission, you must click this Deny button. The commission status will then become Denied.

After you approve or deny a commission, if you change your mind, you can always switch it to the other status by selecting the order. It's possible as long as the order's payout hasn't been made!

3. Check commission details

Explore comprehensive commission details with just a click, empowering you to track and manage earnings with precision.

You must go to Conversions > Referral orders and click on the order number.

4. Adjust commission

With this feature, you can fine-tune commission amounts of orders manually.

You must first go to Conversions > Referral orders and click on the order number, then enter the desired adjusted amount in Merchant adjustment.

Please enter a positive value to increase the commission and a negative value to decrease the commission.

5. Auto-approve orders

Effortlessly manage and expedite the order approval process, ensuring smooth operations and timely commission payouts.

You must go to Settings > General.

6. Export conversions

Seamlessly export conversion data to analyze, optimize, and strategize effectively, empowering you to make data-driven decisions for your affiliate program's success.

You must go to Conversions > Referral orders > Export.

You can choose to export either All conversions or just Filtered conversions.

Last updated