Select products to be applicable for commissions

Product selection allows you to specify which products are included in your program. Only orders containing these products will be eligible for commission.

To set up Product selection, you must first go to Program > Edit > Product selection.

  • All products/collections: All products or collections in your Shopify store are eligible for commission.

  • Specific products/collections: Only specific products or collections will be eligible for commission. If you want to give commission only on some specific products or collections, please select this and purchases of products not on the list won't be tracked.

In this example, affiliates in this program can only earn commissions on two products: Yellow Wool Jumper and Floral White Top.

  • All products/collections except: All products or collections except those listed here are eligible for commission. If you want to exclude commission only for some specific products or collections, please select this and purchases of products on the list won't be tracked.

In this example, affiliates in this program can earn commissions on all products except the two listed: Yellow Wool Jumper and Floral White Top.

In case you select Specific collections, please click the Sync button to re-sync the collection when new products are added to it on Shopify.

Last updated